Female Drummer
There are a multitude of traditional songs on this theme, many of which are predicated on a relationship with a young man. We chose a version from the New Penguin book of English Folk Song.
There are a multitude of traditional songs on this theme, many of which are predicated on a relationship with a young man. We chose a version from the New Penguin book of English Folk Song.
A contrast to the sensuous, embracing feeling of nature and magic in Awaken, Summerisle looks at a more intense, malevolent aspect of fictionalised paganism.
One of many ‘night visiting’ songs to be found in the traditional repertoires of Europe and North America.
This is a traditional song, which likely originated in North East England during the 19th century, and is now popular amongst singers throughout Britain and Ireland.
An instrumental led by low whistle, named for the peewits (Lapwings) which inhabit Teesside’s industry-fringed wetlands.
A song about childhood holidays in North Wales.
The true story of Robert Jeffrey, a young man from Cornwall who was pressed into the navy and received extraordinarily disproportionate punishment for dipping into the ship’s stores.
A Scottish song written about a notable Aberdeenshire whaling ship in the 1820s.
Henry ‘Long Ben’ Avery was an infamous English pirate born near Plymouth in the 17th century. He gained particular infamy after carrying out possibly the most lucrative act of pirary in history, then subsequently avoiding capture and disappearing.
One of the first songs written together. Jake’s lyrics take inspiration from the sense of history and magic pervading ideas of Britain’s pagan past.