Blackrock Sands

A song about childhood holidays in North Wales. Working class long weekends, making the most of sea and sand, even when the rain was pouring. It plays on bittersweet memories of excitement and disappointment, and the frustration of four people sharing a rain-lashed tent. It’s also about the point of boyhood where adult thoughts begin forming, while still in a child’s body. A state of flux mirrored by days spent on Blackrock Sands.
Homeward seabird, leaves his mark on your sleeve
It’s about time for sunshine, we’re almost ready to leave
Dad has bought us tea although we’re hungry for more
Mum was on the cider, now she’s starting to snore
Bike chains and grass stains on your knees
School break, escape, time to empty your brain
With friends made in arcades, that you’ll never meet again
Sticky fingered ice cream dribbles down upon your hand
Swapping soggy trunks for underpants now filled with sand
Salt lips from cold chips in the rain
Short dress, strapless, young man’s starting to wake
So hand me a shandy, half a bass and lemonade
Patter, rattle, tent pitched battle down upon all fours
It’s here again, but when it rains it pours
A cheap dream, slipstreamed and away